


Q. Do you offer international shipping?
A. Yes we will ship to all countries by Express international service.

Q. How long will it take to be delivered?
A. In most cases less than one week, all shipments reach destination country within a few days but sometimes internal customs clearance and local delivery times can vary a lot.

Q. How much will shipping cost?
A. Checkout will calculate the specific shipping costs automatically. You can obtain a quote by placing items in your shopping cart then go to checkout, enter your country and postcode, the shipping cost will be calculated and shown. You can then close the checkout without proceeding any further if you like.

Q. Will i need to pay additional duties or taxes when it arrives in my country?
A. In many cases no but in some cases yes. This is something we have no further information about because every country has different import and tax laws

Q. Where are the assembly instructions for my kit?
A. Download from Here

Q. How do i install the airbox / plenum to my ITB's
A. Download the instructions Here

Q. Why is your pricing in USD?
A. Our production costs are in USD so uising USD as a base price helps to keep pricing structure stable through currency exchange variations. Please see our  Terms and Conditions for more info.

Q. Why is payment in my local currency slightly more that the listed price.
A. All displayed currencies are a live market rate conversion from our USD base price. However Paypal does not give market rate currency conversion so that small increase is absorbed by paypal! We still only receive our original base price. Please see our Terms and Conditions for more info and options to make payments in other currencies.

Q. How do I synchronize my ITB system?
A. Please see our article about synchronizing ITB systems

Q. How do i shorten the trumpets?
A. It is very easy here is a video showing the best way to trim trumpets

Q. Can i run open trumpets with my ITB system ?
A. Yes but generally the only way is by using a stand alone ecu otherwise you will need to have your OEM ecu professionally remapped for Alpha-n operation.

Q. Will my braking be affected?
A. No as long as you follow the assembly instructions or the points below, your brake pedal and stopping power will be exactly the same as before.

Q. Should i connect a line from each runner into an accumulator for running the brake servo?
A. NO! you must connect the brake servo to just one runner only or use a decent size T fitting directly off one runner, this has the most powerful vacuum signal even at idle, then you can use a smaller hose to the accumulator if you have one for idle control valve. If you connect the booster line to the accumulator you will have reduced braking power because only one runner at a time is producing a vacuum signal while ALL the others are bleeding the vacuum away again. Remember to retain the factory check valve in the servo line.

Q. Can an ITB system retain good fuel economy?
A. Yes they can achieve very good fuel economy but it all comes down to how well its tuned, lots of care and attention needs to be paid to the very light throttle running area. The quality of your stand alone ecu if you are using one will also play a part here.

Q. What is Alpha-n tuning?
A. This is a tuning method where engine load is calculated by only using rpm and throttle position. All stand alone ecu's offer this option and it is widely considered the best tuning method for ITB systems.

Q. Is the quality or brand of aftermarket ECU important?
A. Yes! some ecu brands have very course resolution and rather crude fueling calculations this will make it very difficult to achieve good light throttle drive-ability and economy.

Q. Why cant I use a vacuum accumulator and MAP tuning with ITBs?
A. NO, Inside a conventional manifold the air pressure drops very low at light throttle and reaches atmospheric pressure near full throttle so it provides a nice accurate load scale. But with an ITB system the low air pressure occurs in each runner between the valve and throttle plate in a sign wave pattern, the plenum remains at atmospheric pressure at all times. The pressure inside an accumulator block is very unstable and may reach atmospheric pressure as early as 10-15% throttle so if you are using pressure as a load signal then the ecu will have no load reference at any throttle opening higher than 15% so it will be impossible for it to supply accurate fueling. MAP signal can ONLY be used in conjunction with Alpha-n tuning to help add resolution to very light throttle and idle conditions only.

Q. I am having trouble with my tune changing or engine not running well, or suddenly very rich, what could cause this?
A. 9/10 times the TPS is faulty, if you are using alpha-n tuning everything depends on this part so it pays to carry a good quality spare one. Second most common problem is engine temperature sensor.

Q. I need to replace the TPS what is the part number?
A. Almost all current kits are supplied with a fitting plate for an e36 BMW tps, we recommend using a genuine OEM replacement item part number 13-63-1-726-591-M375 or 13631721456

Q. Why does my engine sometimes idle too faster or the throttle stick just above idle?
A. This problem has been resolved on all ITB's produced from 1st May 2016. Throttle bodies have very tight tolerances but as they expand with rising engine temperature the different expansion rates of the different materials used caused the tolerances to change and sometimes this can cause a little bit of interference when they close resulting in slight sticking, they will settle in after some use. We have now resolved this problem with a new butterfly design and assembly procedure that presets the clearances for hot running conditions. This results in perfect operation at running temperature. We offer an ITB rebuild service if you want your ITBs updated to current spec's.

Q. Why do my brand new ITB's feel a little sticky in the closed position and look as though they will not seal well
A. Do not try to correct this, if you purchased them after 1st May 2016 then they are assembled in a preset condition for normal engine running temperature. Once they warm up a little they will close fully and operate freely. The slight stickiness when cold will soon fade away with some use as the butterflies bed in.

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